The Kiddies Day parade saw hundreds of tiny feet marching through downtown Swift Current.

Close to 200 children marched together from Memorial Park, down Central Avenue North, and back up and around again to Memorial Park through First Avenue Northeast. 

Some wore costumes, others rode bikes, and more than a few marched in the band. 

For Brooklyn Choo Foo, families in the park summer coordinator for the City of Swift Current, it was easier organizing everything this year after learning from her first go around last year.

"This is one of my favourite events so I get really excited every year for it," said Choo Foo. "I had fun preparing for it, and it went super smooth."

Choo Foo enjoys watching the families have fun at the event, especially with the kids being at the centre of attention. 

"It's fun to have the roles reversed a bit," commented Choo Foo. "Having the kids walk in the parade and hand out the candy. I think it's really special for them to get to experience all sides of being in a parade." 

Not only were the kids having fun, but the RCMP and City employees in the parade also got to toss out candy to everyone on the sidelines. 

By the end of the day, the marching band led everyone back to the Cenotaph at Memorial Park for a free hotdog luncheon with ice cream. 

"It's always a good feeling starting off Frontier Days," said Choo Foo. "We have lots of help from the Ag n' Ex to put on our Kiddies Day Parade. We try to just set off Frontier Days on a good note, and the ending of the school year."

The Kiddies Day Parade will be back next year, as long as there are still families willing to put on the show.