The Swift Current Pickleball Club has just ended their indoor play season, as the weather turns players to the great outdoors. 

With over 150 members, the Swift Current Pickleball Club continues to grow, as adults take up the low-strain sport to maintain active lifestyles and enjoy the summer. The club began with only 30 members, but with community outreach and health trends, interest is on the rise. 

Karen Biese, the president of the swift current pickleball club stated that their focus is getting people active. 

“It's just a recreational group and we provide scheduled play,” explained Biese. “May 17 this year was our last date that we had organized indoor play, but a few folks have rented indoor facilities to play when it's been inclement outdoors.” 

The first dedicated pickleball courts in Canada were built in Vancouver in 1984. Since then, the sport has grown into a phenomenon for all ages. The club in Swift Current, however, is dedicated to adults. 

“We do usually offer free lessons during Seniors' Week, which is usually the first week in October,” said Biese. “If anyone were interested, we do have a website that has the information they might need.”