The Gull Lake Fire Department is pleased with some new upgrades to equipment to allow emergency personnel to do their courageous roles better and more safely.

Emergency lighting has been improved on the 'Rescue Unit' which hadn't been touched or altered since getting the truck in 2000, according to Gull Lake Fire Chief Bentley Gibson.

The department is involved in performing rescues as well as motor vehicle collisions, therefore the difference between LED and Halogen can make all the difference.

"We want to be visible," says Gibson.

According to the Gull Lake newsletter from the town, the front bumper of the truck was also replaced with a heavy duty bumpter that allows for a winch to be attached when needed by firefighters in certain situations. All modifcations totaled $10,000.

The department currently has three units on hand; one rescue and two pumper vehicles.

On the wishlist is a bush unit that could be put into use throughout prairie fires if or when they happen.

Models can range greatly in price, with the department seeing one recently up for $240,000.

Fire Truck 51 of the Gull Lake unit was boosted last year with improvements including work to the wheel base and a new 990 gallon tank.

"When we make a unit we try to do multi jobs with it, our biggest unit can do as I say planes, trains, automobiles, oil, prairie fires, whatever you throw at it and that's the whole name of the game," says the Fire Chief.

These improvements and more came in at $100,000 approximately.

With incredible heat moving into the southwest the first week of May, an extreme fire risk remains in place for most of the province and is sure to increase with dryer conditions.

"Don't ever say it won't happen to you," warned Bentley. "Be prepared. Everybody will have a major fire or incident in their life, it is just when and the biggest thing is to do prevent your problem before it happens."

A recent house fire that completely destroyed one home and severely damaging another is a reminder to the Swift Current and surrounding community what power a blaze can have according to Gibson.

"When you have an exterior fire like that one, they move along so fast people don't realize siding, roof, shingles.. once they get going and progress.. the more heat the more fire. Then there's wind. Swift Current did very well to have lost two houses but could've lost a whole block quite easy."

"The houses nowadays, they used to have a lot of wood in them but now it is a lot of plastics. The heat unit used to be low in a house, wood burns hot but a computer, furniture or carpet made from artificial fabric burns quite hot. It changes how things react in a house or any building actually."

Temperatures are expected to reach into the thirties mid week. The Fire Chief urges the public to take precautions.

"Take your time, make sure you have precautions with you. A fire extinguisher, have a wet one with you, a shovel on hand.. just be careful. And no open fires, that is the big thing!"