Rain is expected to continue over tonight and tomorrow afternoon, although it seems to be slowing down.

Recently, any mention of rain in the Swift Current forecast has resulted in at least a little rain, if not a whole lot. 

According to Heather Pimiskern, a meteorologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada, the last bit of the rain will be intermittent throughout tomorrow. 

"Specifically over the southwest, it looks like there it could be unsettled in places," said Pimiskern. "I would expect that there will be showers, possibly in the afternoon hours, over the next few days."

While there is sun in the forecast after tomorrow, Pimiskern is not ruling out more rain appearing as the forecast gets clearer on the day of. 

For now, people can keep their eyes open and ears listening for any updates on potential Thunderstorms or other major rain systems. 

"It does appear that there may be a system that skirts near the border of Alberta, Sask. in the US on Thursday, but it does not look like it will impact Swift Current itself."