Following devastating trends linked to Bill 137, known as the ‘pronoun policy,’ southwest 2SLGBTQIA+ members are speaking up and making their voices heard.

Theo Houghtaling, board member of Southwest Sask. Pride, invites community members to attend a letter writing event tonight at the Drop-In Pride Centre.

“It’s had a really negative effect on the mental health of queer and trans youth in Saskatchewan,” he said. “We want to take this opportunity to remind officials that we're not behind this policy, we don't want to see these youth considering suicide, and that's where we're at right now, which is really awful.”

Primarily the evening will focus on writing letters to government officials, with materials and writing prompts provided.

However, letters of hope and positivity will also be crafted. Individuals can write thank you notes to people who have been pillars of support in helping them cope in the current state.

“We think both of those messages right now are really important, so we wanted to create space for people to do that,” added Houghtaling. “Bill 137 didn't just affect trans youth. It emboldened transphobia throughout the province; even trans adults are facing more harassment, in some cases, assault, from people feeling like they're transphobia is state sanctioned almost.”

Community members can enjoy coffee and tea while writing letters from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. tonight at the Pride Centre, located in the Dixon Community Centre.

Pride Week celebrations get underway in Swift Current from July 7th to 13th. Anyone who wants to be involved is asked to publicly denounce Bill 137.

“We feel that the more community speaking out against this bill, the more we'll be able to hopefully convince the government to repeal it, or at least revisit it,” he said.