This Tuesday, a staggering amount of salads will be available at St. Olaf's Church in Swift Current.

The Spring Salad Smorg is a chance for folks to support the church by purchasing a meal ticket. Once purchased, diners will be able to sample a huge variety of salads, ranging from the leafy and green, the noodly and saucy, all the way to the surprisingly meaty.

Eunice Morck, a member of St. Olaf's Church, is glad to see so many entrees being prepared for this year's edition of the salad celebration. 

"We usually have a fall supper in fall, and we thought we'd have something now in spring," said Morck. "The idea came from Lloydminster, and we are trying it for the first time."

Other salad options include things like devilled eggs, taco salad, egg salad, bean salad, bread salad, and even more.

Proceeds from this event help to Fund St Olaf's Church operation through out the year, and the programs they put on for their members and community.

Another church member, Patti Tatzke, could not stress enough just how many salads were being offered.

"There's Japanese salad, Finnish salad, pasta salad, greens salad, greek salad, and just a lot of salad," said Tatzke.

More than just salad, there will also be a quilt sale taking place. Some local hands have been hard at work, stitching together these warm night time covers. Now, in conjunction with the Spring Salad Smorg, they will be up for sale at St. Olaf's Church. 

Valerie Belter, yet another member from St. Olaf's Church, encouraged people to come out and see the fine details in these quilts. 

"Some of the leftovers from the quilt that have been made into wreaths or stuff like that," said Belter. "They also will be there for sale."

Tickets are $20 each. Doors open at 11 a.m., and the Spring Salad Smorg will run till 2 p.m.