St. Olaf Church in Swift Current has hosted their first-ever Spring Salad Smorg, bringing families out for fine food and friends.  

The Spring Salad Smorgasbord sold over 130 tickets, filling the church with patrons to help fundraise for church expenses. Fifteen salads were available for those who attended to choose from and combine, along with around 200 desserts to finish off the meal. 

Connie Rayner, secretary of St. Olaf Church was permitting people at the front entrance. 

“We know if we do it again next year, it'll probably from word of mouth from everybody that I've talked to today,” said Rayner. “They really enjoyed it and they will come back again next year.” 

The parish got the idea for a salad focused smorgasbord from one of their members who had done something similar in Lloydminster. 

“They've been doing it for a few years, and they said it was really good,” stated Rayner. “We thought we'd give it a try... There was a group of about eight of us that were on the committee, and we just gathered together.” 

Beyond the sizeable collection of salads, the church also sold several handmade quilts, along with wreathes which were made out of the extra quilt material.