The Swift Current Agricultural & Exhibition Association is bidding farewell to its manager of 15 years and pillar team member.

Tracey Stevenson has had a fruitful career with the non-profit organization and has played a pivotal role in its many staple events and programs. 

"Every fair is a good memory, every event we do is a good memory," she said. "I've met so many great people, volunteers, board members. That's what makes everything jive together. It's not just me, it's a whole team."

In her time with the organization, she launched the Discover the Farm: A Farm Facts Experience program, to encourage youth involvement in agriculture and expand their knowledge of food production, farm safety, nutrition, and animal care. Schools often book the event for a class, engaging kids in a couple of hours of hands-on education.

Stevenson will miss the incredible team she worked alongside but is looking forward to the next chapter of her life. 

"I always told them, I'm not moving anywhere else, I'll still be around, I'm sure I will be volunteering," she said. "I'll probably step away for a bit just to take a break. But they are a really good crew to work with."

Strategic and succession planning has been in the works for a while to find someone to fill her boots -- anyone who might be interested in the position is encouraged to reach out to the Ag & Ex. 

She will officially be stepping away in January, so she is ready for the 2024 Frontier Days season getting underway tomorrow morning. If you see Stevenson at any of the several events happening over the next few days, be sure to wish her a happy retirement.