The Coyote Car Club got the jump start of a lifetime at their first annual Summer Solstice Show n' Shine.

Close to 250 people made it out for the show, which had over 50 cars, trucks, motorcycles and racecars lining Main Street of Hodgeville. Being that they are a club recently formed consisting of only five members, the Coyotes are thrilled to have been welcomed to the southwest Sask. car community with such wide open arms. 

Marlon Haubrich, a member of the Coyote Car Club, was ecstatic to have so many people come to town to celebrate the start of summer 2024 with him and his fellow Coyotes.

"We just thought everyone's weekends are so busy, we'd like to do something during the week," said Haubrich. "This being the longest day of the year, it just seemed like a perfect fit."

Hodgeville is the 'Coyote Capitol of Canada', hence the local car club's authentic name choice. They managed to raise money for the local youth baseball team through a 50/50 and had a tonne of local support. 

One of the more interesting rides that rocked up to the show n' shine was Wayne Allen's 1952 Cockshut Tractor. Fully restored and painted up in a hotrod flash of red, this unit was fresh off the far, all shined up for the show. 

Wayne Allen stands beside his 1952 Cockshut Tractor. Wayne Allen stands beside his 1952 Cockshut Tractor. 

"My dad had one just like this when I was a kid," said Allen. "He sold it, and I always wanted one back."

Allen actually has three of these tractors but has only restored the one for now. He has kept everything original, only updating the battery and its wiring to an eight-volt setup. 

It lives an easy life, no longer being forced to pull plows or other implements. It lives comfortably in his shop, waiting for show n' shines.

"My boys farm with me, and I'm sort of retired," said Allen. "They built a whole new shop, so my old shop, I just keep it in there now. Finally got my shop back."

Other notable rides were those of Bob Schafer, Ron Schultz, and Brian Westerhaug with their fully kitted-out drag cars. Other clubs that attended were both the Eliminators and the Rogue Cruisers. 

Plenty of cars from in Hodgeville made an appearance as well, with some like the 'White Lighting' Cadillac convertible drawing interested stares from the crowd. 

"There's a lot of vehicles and different things tucked away that no one really knows about," said Haubrich. "A bunch of us used to drive in on Tuesday nights to Swift Current for the Ropgue Cruisers Taillight Tuesday, and we thought it's such a great little thing, why can't we do that once a year here?."

Haubrich and the rest of the Coyotes invite everyone out for the Summer Solstice Car Show next year, back in Hodgeville.