Vibrant colours and a medley of textures combine to share important messages about mental health at the Art Gallery of Swift Current (AGSC) for the next couple of months. 

The gallery's latest exhibition, Art Thou the Accuser of Thy Brethren or Art Thou the Inspiration of Their Heart brings attention to social justice, queer identity and mental struggles.

Curator for the AGSC, Luke Maddaford, is excited to host this collection of works by Edmonton-based artist Richard Boulet.

"It's textile work, so it's a lot of embroidery and quilting and these large assemblies," described Maddaford. "Richard works a lot with mental health. He is schizophrenic, so that plays into his practice quite a bit."

The 35 pieces will be draped on the gallery walls from today through August 24, with a public reception being held tonight at 7 p.m. to introduce the exhibition to the community.

Boulet will be in attendance tonight giving attendees the chance to discuss his works with him, during an evening of connection, culture and creation.