Quite a buzz was made in downtown Swift Current yesterday, with sounds, sights and tastes of many cultures coming to life to raise funds for a good cause. 

The Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre held their annual fundraiser lunch and multicultural party in Market Square yesterday, drawing locals and visitors alike to eat ethnic dishes and enjoy culturally diverse performances. The event was able to raise $2590.00 for the Welcome Centre's summer programs, feeding 162 people in the process. 

(Photo by Alex Kozroski)

Deanna Baje, executive director of the Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre stated that the event was a hit. 

We're pretty grateful that the weather is cooperating, so Mother Nature, thank you very much,” she exclaimed. "It's been months of preparation and lots of coordination to get to this day... There are performances including dancers from Nekaneet First Nation, we have Filipino dancers, a Bollywood dancer, and a Ukrainian singer.” 

Accompanying these performances was a varied ethnic meal with chicken inasal and java rice from the Philippines, Sambar soup originating in India, Baclava from Lebanon, and Greek salad. 

(Photo by Alex Kozroski)

Faith Ritskes, the community connections worker at the Southwest Newcomer Welcome Centre, organized the event for the first time since it began in 2018. 

I'm feeling really good so far, this morning was busy,” expressed Ritskes. “Lots of moving pieces to get coordinated for the morning, but I think now that it's started, it's going well. It's always it's great time, the Newcomer Welcome Centre appreciates the community support.” 

Swift Current Mayor Al Bridal was happy to give the opening remarks to the celebration, stating that food and dance are beautiful ways to share culture.