Tuesday night saw lots of love for the SPCA at Taillight Tuesday.

The Living Sky Casino parking lot was once again full of cars, trucks, and other automobiles, with about 80 attending this week. 

A select generous few brought out bags of cat and dog food, treats, paper towels, and other goods donations for the SPCA. While the crowd was generous with cash donations, those who took the time to run out and pick up goods for drop off were thanked with an extra smile for going that extra step. 

The nights haul was looking pretty good, filling the bin with food and other goods for the animal shelter.The nights donation haul was looking pretty good, filling the bin with food and other goods for the animal shelter.

Dustin Vipond, organizer for the Rogue Cruisers, was thrilled to see even more new cars showing up for the show n' shine, considering he has attended virtually all of them since it began last year. 

"That's the neatest part of it," said Vipond. "Just having some fresh stuff in here all the time and fresh faces too, is what really makes it great."

Last night also saw plenty of younger faces, as opposed to the older crowd which has had many years to build up their car collection for showing off. Plenty of these fresher faces were showing off their own burgeoning projects, be it a daily driver, a track car, or just a cool old pickup they were slowly piecing together. 

"That is so great, to see a bunch of young guys out here," said Vipond.  "Bringing their buddies down and those buddies bringing their buddies. That's what we need. I mean, us old guys aren't going to be around forever."

Vipond encourages people to come out next week, even if they haven't made it out before. The car show is free to enter, and free to attend. They only ask folks to bring out a donation for the SPCA if they can spare the generosity.