A Swift Current man has been hit with four theft-related charges.

Blaine Charles Peters has been arrested following an investigation spurred by an incident from June 14.

Last Friday, Swift Current City RCMP began investigating an attempted break and enter to a garage on 4th Avenue Northwest. While the 24-year-old would-be burglar was not at the scene, the RCMP were able to identify him thanks to security footage.

Peters was arrested on June 19, during which the police recovered some property they believed to be stolen. The next day, search warrants were used to recover close to $8,000 in suspected stolen property from Peters's residence.

Peters faces four charges.

  • Break and Enter with Intent
  • Fail to Comply with a Probation Order
  • Possession of Property Obtained by Crime over $5000
  • Possession of a Forge Document

Peters has made his first appearance in Swift Current Provincial Court, being remanded to appear this coming Monday.

Swift Current City RCMP are trying to find the owners of the stolen property. Once they have exhausted those who can be identified, more information will be released about the remaining property.

The RCMP reminds the public to write down serial numbers for high-value belongings, like tools, and to report all instances of theft.