Family Literacy Week is back once again for 2024. You read that right. 

The annual commitment to encouraging literacy in the home will once again be pushing mothers, fathers, sons and daughters to pick up reading. By encouraging a love for reading, it can inspire a lifetime of learning, storytelling, and an appreciation for the literary architecture of the modern world. 

Presenting the matter to Swift Current city council was the trio of Bula Ghosh of the Southwest Literacy Committee, Tekeyla Friday from the Chinook Regional Library, and Laura Beddome from the Early Years Family Resource Centre. These women brought forward some material for consideration.

The three presenting together at Swift Current city council. The three presenting together at Swift Current city council. 

"This year, the theme is 'Let's have a Family Party' because we're celebrating 25 years of family literacy," said Ghosh. "So you've seen me for so many years because, for 25 years, because this has been going on so long."

Having begun in 1999, the initiative has fostered an early love for literature in hundreds if not thousands of children's lives. Ghosh pointed to evidence that the earlier children are introduced and encouraged to read, the higher the chances they have to develop those skills at a higher level. 

This year, to celebrate, January 22 to 28 will feature all sorts of events for children and their parents to enjoy. 

Beddome spoke to how at the Early Years Family Resource Centre, this is more than a week-long focus for herself and her colleagues. 

"The Early Years Family Resource Center has been a proud member of the Southwest Literacy Committee for many years," said Beddome. "Not only do we understand the significance of literacy, but also have the pleasure of working with literacy every day as we design inspiring and engaging learning environments and programs focused on our littlest community members."

This week, on Friday, the Early Years Family Resource Centre will be having a stuffed animal sleepover party, which will offer plenty of story time possibilities. 

Tekeyla made an announcement that those who prefer a streaming option can get excited about. 

"This year's event will take place on Friday, January 26, and Saturday, January 27, at 10:30 a.m.," shared Tekeyla. "The featured book is 'Welcome to Cipher' by Cody Dill. After the reading, participants will have a chance to ask questions of the author."

Folks will be able to watch along at home by tuning into he stream on the Saskatchewan Literacy Network YouTube channel, so long as they register first. 

For more information, folks can reach out to the respective entities each member of the presentation represents.