With the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings coming on June 6, the Swift Current Royal Canadian Legion Branch 56 is preparing to mark the occasion. 

The Cenotaph in Memorial Park will be the site for the official ceremonies, marking the milestone and honouring all those who served in the landing at Juno Beach, Utah Beach, Omaha Beach, Gold Beach, and Sword Beach on the coast of Normandy. 

John Griffin, public relations officer for the Legion Branch 56, is inviting everyone to come out and remember the sacrifices made that would lead to the liberation of Europe from Nazi Germany. 

"To attend and pay their respects as well as honour the valiant Canadians and their allies who took part in these historic landings," said Griffin. "The landings played a critical role in the liberation of Western Europe and helped pave the way for an end to the Second World War."

People who wish to participate in the ceremony are asked to arrive at Memorial Park by 9 a.m. on Sunday, June 9, to prepare. The parade to the Cenotaph will begin at 9:30 a.m.

"It's going to be very similar to the ones that we've held in the past," said Griffin. "We're still working on some of the details, but there will be some dignitaries who speak."

John Watson, a WWII veteran who still lives in Swift Current, will be leading the parade. His service in the war began after the landings, but it's thanks to them that he and others had a safe entry into the European theatre. 

Recently, the Legion Branch 56 was able to honour Royal Regina Rifles Rifleman Denis Denniels, who served in the D-Day landings. 

"He took part in the D-Day landings and was wounded that day," said Griffin. 

Denniels would survive those injuries, surviving what so many others gave their all to make happen. 

If anyone would like to contact the Legion with questions about the ceremony or about the history of Swift Current and area service members regarding D-Day, place a call at 306-773-2766.