The Swift Current Scouts are eager beavers, awaiting the results of this year's Scouts Online Auction. 

If anyone wants to show their local troup some support, they have a chance to do so today and tomorrow. Simply head over to their Facebook page, and start bidding on the various items they have going in the auction. 

Bobbidawn Legere, Group Two Scouts committee chair, is keeping a close eye on all the bids as she manages the auction. 

"Everybody knows about our very successful 50/50 in the fall," said Legere. "However, we can't spend any of that money outside of Saskatchewan."

This auction allows them to take the money it generates for trips to places like Medicine Hat, Calgary, and other out-of-province trips. 

Items in this year's auction were donated from businesses like Akhlut Automotive, which donated a regularly priced $300 air compressor, and Napa Autoparts, which donated a Lego-style model truck for kids to build. 

"I think it was 81 items (in the auction this year)," said Legere. "We're very excited because there's so much going on."

Swift Current is home to 34 scouts, all of which look forward to the events and trips this auction helps to fund. 

The auction ends tomorrow at 2 p.m.

If anyone would like to be involved with the scouts auction next year or any of their other fundraisers, reaching out to, or their Facebook page, is a great way to build the connection.