A fairly new initiative launched by the city of Swift Current aims to provide seniors with an easily accessible calendar of community programs aimed specifically for them.

Krista Caswell, Community Recreation Coordinator with the city explains the main purpose behind the Seniors' Source program.

"The main goal of the Seniors' Source is just to make a one-stop calendar look of things that are being offered for seniors in our community. So those are adults aged 55 and up."

Caswell says programs outlined in the calendar include activities happening at city facilities such as the museum, art gallery and aquatic center to name a few as well as community services programming such as Walk For Wellness and Forever In Motion. 

In addition, she explains the benefits of this new initiative.

"Well it allows them to not have to look at multiple different websites and sometimes its kind of hard to navigate what's going on in the community especially if they are new to the community or newly retired and they want to fill their day. So it allows them to really see what's going on."

Those interested can visit the city's website to see the Seniors' Source calendar as well as access the newsletter that is put out three times a year.