Last month, I. G. Wealth Management's Walks for Alzheimer's took place successfully at four in-person locations, including Swift Current.

Swift Current's Walk for Alzheimer's raised a total of $8, 237, nearly $2, 000 more than the previous year, which helped contribute to the massive outcome this year.

Amanda Baker, revenue development coordinator for the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan, noted that the organization had set a goal this year of $240, 000 province-wide.

"This year was really amazing for us," she said. "We actually came in at over $360, 000, so we had really great funding and engagement this year." 

Proceeds from the funds go towards programs the organization supports, both for those affected by the disease and those caring for someone. A few of those programs include First Link Coordinators and Minds in Motion.

Additionally, the funds will also help support research into Alzheimer's and dementia and finding a cure.

"We are always looking for more people to come out to the event, so that's a goal that's ongoing that we'll continue to work towards in 2025," said Baker when asked what goals they might have going forward.

Rural community members and residents of locations without a walk taking place could choose other options including 'walk in a box' and 'walk your way', where people could walk wherever they were.

"We're really happy with the results this year and the support we see across the province," she added. "We know that there's about 20, 000 people in Saskatchewan affected by Alzheimer's and dementia, and that number is only continuing to grow.

"So we want to continue on building upon all of our successes so far."