Swift Current residents were able to enjoy a sunny Saturday at the Walk for Alzheimer's.

This year, the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan hosted the walk at the Swift Current Comprehensive High School. Folks who showed up were able to register, list who they were walking for, and make a donation. Once they were in and had their walking number pinned on, they could enjoy the music, some food, and the company of others supporting the cause. 

Stacy Noble-Wiebe, the first link coordinator for the Cypress Resource Centre for the Alzheimer Society of Saskatchewan, was happy to see such strong support for the afflicted in the community. 

"It's hugely important because there's that piece of recognizing that the community is there behind them and cares about all of this and is supporting them," said Noble-Wieber. "It also plays a big role in reducing stigma because there is still a lot of stigma around dementia."

In Saskatchewan, close to 20,000 people have dementia. Every 24 hours, another 10 people develop symptoms. Noble-Wiebe cited a study that forecasts that total number doubling by 2050. 

Volunteers like Val Choo Foo and Eunice Morck were attending, helping get things set up. For them, getting involved and supporting these efforts helps them feel at ease, knowing they can make a difference. The chance to walk together helps to solidify the sense of solidarity. 

"We had a moment of silence and the bagpipers will lead us on our initial lap around the track," said Morck. "Then we had 'All For You Music' doing the DJ'ing."

With Swift Current city councillor Ryan Switzer MC'ing the event, the directions were clear and the people unified as they went for their walk. He also helped out with the prizes that were handed out at the end.

For Carrie Driedger, it was a great first experience attending the Walk for Alzheimer's.

"This is something that I've recently become passionate about and I'm really glad to see that other people have come together," said Driedger. "I love being able to support people with and who are affected by Alzheimer's."

The title sponsor for this year's walk was IG Wealth Management, who supplied the barbecue, the food, and a ton of other supplies. 

"Thank you to our community and all the volunteers that have shown up today and our sponsors," said Choo Foo.