Even if only a few people could attend, Pet Valu was happy to raise some money during the Walk for Dog Guides. 

A total of six people came out for the walk, it may not have been the biggest crowd, but it was still a fun time that did manage to raise some money.

Raven King, the general manager of the Pet Valu location in Swift Current, was happy that they got the event up and running in Swift Current for the first time ever. 

"We were a little more hopeful, but we know that next year, once the word has gotten out a little bit more, we'll have a few more people," said King. "We were still very excited." 

With those that did attend, there was some face painting and a few snacks handed out. 

The walk went from the store to ACT Park, where a few more folks were waiting for them with their pets. 

"We had a little bit of a rehydration and treat station set up in the green space there," said King. "We took a little bit of a break there, and did some chatting, had some fun with the pups, and then we headed right back."

The Walk for Dog Guides is run all over Canada by Pet Value. Their programs help to provide dog guides for those who need them, all trained in their program without any outside funding from government agencies. 

Each dog costs around $35,000 to train, so this walk helps to support that massive fee by raising the money at the local level. Swift Current managed to donate almost $100 in its first instance of the walk. 

"Everybody was awesome," championed King. "Any donations are good donations, so we're happy and we'll take it."