One Swift Current youth has been recognized for his efforts on the national level. 

Carter Tienkamp was honoured as a Navy League Cadet for his outstanding dedication and devotion, having won the National Cadet of the Year Award. His efforts to attend over 80 per cent of programming with the Navy League, and his ability to lead his contemporaries, along with a host of other achievements have garnered him not only recognition as the recipient of the Provincial Cadet of the Year Award and honours but of the Canadian national award aswell. 

For Carter, the national award, coupled not only with the provincial award but a slew of other local awards has highlighted his abilities to his peers, family, and friends. 

"It feels really good," said Carter. "It's amazing to go here and go to ACR and just clean up with the wards. It feels great."

Carter reflected on all the hours spent participating, maintaining his uniform, developing his skill set, and completing the challenges brought before him. 

"I'm really happy that I worked that hard and put in all that time," said Carter. "It was really hard for me to get through all that and I put in a lot of effort to get to these awards."

For Carter's mother, Bobbi Tienkamp, the recognition her son has received helps to reinforce her own feelings for his achievements. 

"I'm really proud of Carter," said Bobbi. "I feel like his leadership has grown and his ability to control the group. I think it's a really good program for other kids to consider."

Next year, Carter will no longer be in the Navy League Cadets. He will have advanced to Sea Cadets, where he reckons his next national title will have to wait a year or two. 

Carter encourages kids of all ages to get involved with the Cadets programs. They offer experience in responsibility, leadership, and self-governance. 

"I would say it's a great program," confirmed Carter. "It's really fun and it's really good with skill developing and such traits like that, it helps you a lot in life and it can really take you places. I've had lots of fun here."