Music lovers are invited to a free evening of locally performed compositions. 

The Swift Winds Community Wind Ensemble Spring Concert will be held at the Swift Current Comprehensive High School in the Cafetorium. It will begin tonight at 7 p.m., with doors opening at 6:30 p.m., and running till 9 p.m.

With a title like "Spring Awakes", it should come as no surprise that this music will be in theme with the season. 

The Swift Winds community wind ensemble is proud to welcome people to this exhibition of their talents, alongside the Swift Current Jazz Orchestra. 

Band Director, Aaron Thingelstad, encourages anyone with an appreciation for music to come witness this performance. 

"We play repertoire that you would hear in a typical high school band or university band," said Thingelstad. "We do a variety of music, everything from famous works by people like Elgar and Vaughan Williams to newer music and movie music from composers like John Williams for example."

Featuring between 25 and 30 active members, the Swift Wind Ensemble plans to play crowd favourites like the Raiders of the Lost Ark medley, and Elgars Nimrod. 

"It's also gonna feature the return of the Swift Current Jazz Orchestra," said Thingelstad. "Which was also a community ensemble that existed under my predecessor, Greg McLean, for many years."

Admission is free, with everyone invited to enjoy an evening of soaring songs. 

Anyone interested in dusting off their old band instrument and joining the Swift Current Wind Ensemble can inquire about joining for their upcoming third season.