The Saskatchewan Teachers Federation (STF) has announced they will be taking further action.

In a news release earlier today, the STF confirmed another one-day strike. This next round of union protests will be on Monday, January 22. 

STF President, Samantha Becotte, is giving the go-ahead for this interruption to education after the first strike failed to provoke a meaningful response from the provincial government. 

"The following day, rather than acknowledging the outstanding efforts of teachers, the minister attempted to make it all about salary demands," said Becotte in the release. "If he had been paying attention, he'd know our job action was about so much more."

Becotte stated that the main focus of this campaign is "critical issues impacting students". Things like class sizes and complexity were chief on her list. 

Teachers are looking for real fixes to these issues, with help from the government. 

"Not patchwork pilot projects that don't fix the systemic issues in our schools," she said. 

A list of demonstration sites will be forthcoming from the STF before the strike happens.