A chilly spring will be pushed aside today by potentially the warmest day this year to date.

Environment and Climate Change Canada is projecting today's high will reach 26 C overtaking May 11's 26.5 C.

A ridge of high pressure began moving into the region yesterday afternoon and will bring warmer conditions for the next few days.

"It looks like it's going to be in the low to mid-20s for Tuesday and Wednesday then cooling back off into the low teens by the end of the week," said Justin Shelley, a meteorologist, with Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Swift Current has only recorded four days in May that the temperature has risen above 20 C with the month's average sitting at 10.4 C.

"Those average temperatures work out to be about a degree, a degree and a half below normal," he said. "From a historical standpoint, it doesn't look like it's going to be too historically cold."

The cooler weather hasn't impacted percipitation amounts locally. Swift Current has accumulated 61.9 millimetres, ahead of the 139-year average for May at 48.5 millimetres. More is on its way for the region tomorrow and Thursday.

"There is some uncertainty on the models on where exactly we're going to see the most precipitation, it looks like the southern part of the province is going to miss out for the most part but they could still get another 5-10 millimetres from that system," he said.