The Southwest Facility Foundation has crested the $1 million mark, thanks to the McClelland family.

This massive milestone is the culmination of all the fantastic support the SWFF has received from all those who have donated. Whether a donation was $10 or $10,000, they all have helped to grow the funding to this point.

This last push to reach the million mark was brought about by Nicole McClelland, who after discussing the matter with her family, decided to donate what remained of Darren McClellands GoFundMe accounts to the SWFF. 

In total, the McClelland family deposited $100,000 into the campaign for a new sport, leisure and recreation facility in Swift Current. 

"Shortly after Darren passed away, there were still some funds available," said Nicole. "I didn't really know what to do with that and didn't really feel right to keep it. When the foundation was announced, the girls (and I) just thought this was a perfect and fitting way to give back to the community that supported us so amazingly. We just want to pay it forward." 

While the total goal is $8 million, the SWFF is well underway to meet that year sooner than expected. The support from the community has only continued to grow as they push to generate enough funds to supplement the City of Swift Current's bid for grant funding. 

For Nicole, she beleives that donations to the SWFF are worthy of consideration by everyone, as the new facility will be accessible to everyone, young or old. 

She is honoured by being able to have pushed them past this milestone mark and encourages people to donate what they can to further the cause. 

"We've needed these facilities in this community for such a long time," said Nicole. "When I first talked to the foundation I didn't realize where they were (at for funding). To know that we could help out in such a way, to get over that milestone, it's an honour."

Sasha Godenir, President of the SWFF, also thanked the Smile Cookie campaign for its contribution. 

"With Nicole (and the) McClelland family donation and the Smile Cookie Foundation, it puts us just over $1,000,000," said Godenir.

In total, the SWFF is now at $1,050,000.

If anyone else wants to make a donation, they can check out the SWFF website for more information.