Yesterday, records weren't just set, they shattered the old weather markers. 

Swift Current was one of many locations that sprinted past the previous all-time high for not only January 30 as a day, but for the month of January as a whole for a peak high. 

Tuesday in Swift Current was a balmy 17 C at its highest, an unheard-of level of heat for the dead of winter. 

Meteorologist for Environment and Climate Change Canada, Terri Lang, says that it may have been the hottest day in January for Canada as a whole. 

"We knew it was going to be record-breaking because we could see from the pattern coming that it was going to be significant, but yeah," said Lang. "It's a doozy, especially when there's no snow anywhere."

Maple Creek got up to a record-setting 21 C. That was warmer than parts of Florida yesterday. Being that they get some extra winds coming out of Cypress Hills, it could be expected that they were in store for a greater heat wave than anywhere else. 

For some perspective, two weeks ago on January 14, Maple Creek was resting at -42.5 C. In only 16 days, they rebounded all the way to a 63.5-degree difference. 

"That's a huge temperature swing in a very short period." 

The next couple of days will continue to ride above the normal average. A high-pressure ridge is bringing up air from the United States, keeping things unseasonably warm. 

However, there may come a shift next week, as the forecast is calling for either rain or snow, depending on how much cool air arrives. 

"It's coming up from Montana and it's still kind of trying to figure out what it wants to do with that," said Lang. "We just don't know how much it's coming with. Hopefully, some precipitation since now we've melted most of it."