This week a spotlight is being shone on victims of crime and traumatic events, and the supports and services available in the southwest.

After a presentation at Swift Current city council on Monday evening, May 12 through 18 was officially proclaimed Victim and Survivors of Crime Week.

Program coordinator for Victim Services Southwest, Carrie Davis, spoke to council about the cause.

(photo by Hayden Michaels)Carrie Davis and Brittni Ford

“Working in victim services is both demanding and rewarding,” she said. “This kind of work requires understanding, compassion and being accessible for those who have experienced trauma.”

Victim Services Southwest is an RCMP-based non-profit, available 24/7 for any and all victims.

In the last fiscal year, the organization provided services to 340 individuals, and responded to 184 crimes against person including assaults and sex assaults. 

More than 200 hours of support and training were put in by local volunteers.

“I want to acknowledge a long term volunteer who passed away in 2023,” Davis added. “Sharon Dunham was a volunteer for the program for over 20 years, which is pretty incredible in this field. Sharon's commitment and dedication was inspiring and made a huge impact. We want to thank Sharon's family and friends for their generous donations.”